Pinterest Project #2: Healthy Avocado Chocolate Cookies

My hubby is an amazing cook (not to rub it in– I’m just extremely thankful because I am NOT), so I didn’t expect to get so into the recipe aspect of Pinterest.  However, I’ve been craving chocolate like crazy these days.  Unfortunately, since we will be heading to the Bahamas for my sister’s wedding in 2 months (stay tuned!) gluttonous desserts are out of the question.  Most of the time.  Anyhow, in a moment of desperation, I did a search for “healthy chocolate desserts.”  Surprise: TONS of results popped up. I’m loving Pinterest more and more.

One recipe in particular stood out: Healthy Avocado Chocolate Cookies.  I love avocados.  I love chocolate.  But would the they WORK together?  The pictures looked fantastic.  Amazing.  My mouth watered.  I was mad because I didn’t have any avocados and couldn’t make them immediately.  I had to know if they really tasted as good as they looked.  Even better, the cookies have no flour or dairy.  They really just might be HEALTHY chocolate!

When hubby got home from work I excitedly showed him the recipe and asked that he add avocados and cocoa powder to next week’s shopping list.  Of course he looked at the recipe, said it would be easy, and he would gladly make them.  Yay!

Here we are a week later and I finally get to try said cookies.  They are rich, decadent, ooey, gooey, with chocolate chunks to add just the right texture.  I know there is avocado in there…actually, it’s the main ingredient.  But you can’t even tell.  The true test was Lilu.  She is a great eater, but avocados are one of two things she legitimately does not care for (the other being mushrooms).  She devoured a cookie and was shocked to discover the “secret” ingredient was dreaded avocados.  She laughed and admitted the cookies were absolutely delicious– perhaps even more so because of the surprise involved.

A couple notes:

  • We used dark chocolate cocoa powder (as opposed to regular or milk chocolate powder), so that is why our cookies look almost black in the photo.
  • Matt added an extra 1/2 cup of chocolate chunks (there didn’t seem to be quite enough in the original recipe)
  • We used 60% cacao instead of 80%, so ours turned out a little sweeter.
  • Matt also used a bit extra avocado…maybe an extra 1/4th cup.  You still can’t taste it.

These cookies exceeded my expectations– I’m excited to try more recipes from this healthy chef (“The Smoothie Lover” — can’t believe she’s only 18!) and others.  Pinterest did it again!

Connect with me on Pinterest!  I’m still relatively new 🙂

5 thoughts on “Pinterest Project #2: Healthy Avocado Chocolate Cookies

  1. Pingback: Healthy AND Decadent Chocolate Chip Cookies | The Soccer Mom

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